This has been an interesting three day yard sale. Keep in mind it is November and Kansas temperatures were in the 60s, not much wind and lots of sunshine. People kept coming back for all three days.
Friday was our best day and although the scheduled time was from 1 pm - 7 pm, the actual hours of selling were 9:30am - 5:30 pm (once the sun went down and it got cool it was over). We started setting up tables in the yard about 8 am and we started selling by 8:30 and I do not turn people away. I'm here to sell. Friday bought the buyers out and they bought. One lady was a little huffy, "at yard sales nothing should be over $2," she said, and left.
"Bye, bye, " I said as I sat counting my money. *g*
Saturday's 8 am time was too early as it was chilly so people started coming about 10 am when the sun warmed things. For the most part, Saturday brought the garage sale buyers spending money on less expensive things. They kept coming until about 5:30 pm too and I kept selling.
Sunday's 10 am start time was good and our last sale was about 4 pm and sales matched Saturday! Mostly higher priced items with some bargains tossed in. I had a sign up that said. "Today is a Make Offer day". Funny thing several people made me an offer and when I accepted (without arguing) they actually paid me more!! *lol*
Since the sale had a strong holiday theme with 'Christmas" the star it was a lot of fun to listen to people's plans for their new items. :o) Once little girl came her dad and they bought a Lemax Sugar n' Spice house, it needed repair and I felt a little bad so I had another upstairs that was in perfect shape. I gave her the broken one that "daddy can fix" and let her pay for the good one. I'd love to see their little village when it's set up for Christmas. She was a happy camper.
Even though the Declutter divorce isn't final and there is still more to come- this weekend's settlement was nice. And you know as I looked out over my past loves departing--I felt relieved and no remorse. *lol* Maybe even a little giddy.
Next: Still more attic cleaning to go and making a decision where it is going? Consignment auction, online selling and local classifieds. where the best fit is.
Lesson learned: Be accommodating, friendly and remember a little extra goes a long way in making a good experience.
Running total on the Declutter project including gold and silver: $3,329.00
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Declutter Divorce.
Decluttering and sorting is a lot like a relationship that's gone sour. Loved the process of romancing the stuff, lived with it a long time in mutual admiration. But finally it wore out its charm, usefulness and functionality. So best to make a clean break and hope there are better relationships for both of us once it's over!! :o)
Friday rocked!! and we moved a lot of stuff for good prices. It was a steady stream of people all day long and the weather was wonderful for Kansas in November. We were lucky to hold an indoor/outdoor sale which let us spread out nicely.
Some of the best moments were when I watched a new romance bloom between someone and their "find"!! It was a sigh of relief that it moved on to a better place and such a pleasure to have it gone. *lol*
Had some (leftover) Beanie Kids so the children who came along with mom and dad received a new friend to take home just for fun. They were so excited it made everything else pale in comparison.
We will be done at 1pm today. Remember the object is Decluttering and moving things out of the attics. The more we sell the better. What are we going to do with the rest of the items left? I can tell you it's not going back in the attics or basement or garage!
This evening I'll let you know how we are moving the rest of the yard sale stuff and remainder of the attic cleaning process.
I am about to reclaim my clutter-free life and soon the divorce will be final !!! Yay!!! And make a little $$ in the process!!--you know settlements are nice. *g*
Thursday, November 10, 2011
It's been a long Declutter day :o(
Anticipating the new day and adventure into a major declutter project
Right now I am sitting here almost too tired to go to bed and wondering if a night's sleep will refresh me enough to bounce out raring to go in the morning. "Raring?" um, I think I would settle for creeping out of bed and getting dressed+ ! :o) But it will be fun to see what this big declutter project brings by tomorrow evening at 7 pm. Found this great looking thing and traced it through the patent number: It is a mixing jar by the Hazel Atlas Glass Co. circa 1930. Some were used to make malts in drugstores but this one has wicked prongs on it and I suspect it was used for crushing ice.
Austin (4 years old) and his mom will be over in the morning to help with more getting ready. Can you imagine a 4 year old in the middle of all this stuff? Guess I better get to bed so I can see what other treasures we can get out of the attic. The garage and basement are done!!
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